Saturday, December 26, 2009

divine transformation


Disciple : What happens when the human consciousness is replaced by the Divine Consciousness?
Sri Aurobindo : One feels perpetual calm, perpetual strength, – one is aware of Infinity, lives not only in Infinity but in Eternity. One feels the immortality and does not care about the death of the body, and one has the consciousness of the One in all. Everything becomes the manifestation of the Brahman. For instance, as I look around the room I see everything as the Brahman – it is not thinking, it is a concrete experience, – even the wall, the book is Brahman. I see you not as X. but as a divine being in the Divine. It is a wonderful experience.
[A. B. Purani, Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo]
In my view, a man’s value does not depend on what he learns, or his position or fame, or what he does, but on what he is and inwardly becomes.
-Sri Aurobindo 
The change of consciousness occurs because of the four movements of consciousness.  During the change, one sees various symbols and has variousVisions, Experiences and Realization.   The action of the higher planes gives rise toAscent and the Descent experiences.
The three Gunas become purified and refined and changed into their divine equivalents:
  • sattva becomes jyoti, the authentic spiritual light;
  • rajas becomes tapas, the tranquilly intense divine force;
  • tamas becomes śama, the divine quiet, rest, peace.
The end result is the psychic transformation, spiritual transformation and perhaps even the supramental transformation.  All three are described at Triple transformation
Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual program is described here: Sapta Chatusthaya

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